Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Week in Review

So here's a quick rundown of what's been going on here the past week:

Tuesday: played a game for Goteborg nation's co-ed volleyball team (our team won of course!). Afterwards, had beers in the sauna in the basement of Goteborg nation - nothing more relaxing than drinking beer in your underwear with a bunch of Swedes!!

had a Spanish/French dinner with our Spanish corridor-mate Ricardo and his friends from Spain and France. Dinner consisted of Spanish omelettes, sausage soaked in beer, baguettes and cheese. Meal was served later than scheduled in typical Spanish fashion...

Thursday: Christoff, Ivan and I rented a car and went on a road trip back to Ystad where we visited Ales Stenar (translated: Ale's Stones), a human-created stone monument dating back to AD 500. The stones are arranged in the shape of a ship and it is speculated that the monument has an astronomical purpose or is the burial place of King Ale. ['s_Stones] Ales Stenar is located on the southwest coast of Sweden, next to the baltic sea so after visiting the site we made our way down the coastline to a small fish shop where we ate a lunch of freshly cooked fish before making our way back to Lund.
Afterwards had a Dutch dinner cooked by Annabelle - was a plate called stammpot -- basically mashed potatoes with garlic, carrots and bacon - simple but good.

Friday: Worked at Goteborg nation's bar. One of the Swedish girls on my v-ball team, Ellen, is the head of one of the bar crews and signed me up to work on Tuesday. Showed up at the bar at 5:00pm to help with the cooking of food and setting up of tables for the sittning (dinner party) being held that night. Served drinks during the sittning from 7:00 - 10:00pm before clearing all the tables and chairs out to set the bar up into a nightclub. Served drinks from 10:30pm - 2:00am, cleaned up then bar staff had our own sittning in the basement of the building at 3:00am. Got fabulously drunk and made it home to bed at 7:00am. Fantastic.

Saturday: worked out flight details to London. Will be heading there April 25th for three days to visit Shehz, Karim and Hindle. Bring your A-games gentlemen...

I should also note that I'm now a bit of a big deal here in Lund after appearing in Southern Sweden's newspaper, 'Sydsvenskan'. A reporter came by to our residence on Wednesday to interview international students on their reasons for choosing to come to Lund. Both Ivan and I were interviewed and appeared in the Thursday edition of the paper. Picture and a transcipt of the article are at the bottom of this post.

On the way to Ales Stenar

This person had a sauna in their backyard - nice.

Some of the 'typical' Swedish houses outside Ystad

Ale's Stones. Mysterious...

Walking along the coast

Two ducks. On rocks. Magnificent.

The reason for my celebrity.

Rough translation:
Dave Horne, 23, Waterloo, Canada. Studying civil engineering.
I have never visited Europe before and heard that Swedes are nice people and of the European countries Sweden is the most like Canada. My home university has an exchange agreement with Lund University and it was important for me to choose a program where my courses were taught in English.
"I like the history here, many of the buildings in Lund were built at the same time Columbus was exploring North America."

That last quote was incorrectly attributed to me - it was actually Ivan who said it. Also, the journalist didn't understand my explanation of systems design engineering so just listed me as studying civil engineering. A bit of a slap in the face I would say :)

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